Last weekend, our family went out camping. It had been 9 weeks of confinement, and we were all fed up with being at home, not going out, and working like crazy.
Over the last 2 months, we saw unbelievable things happen. And big change means ALWAYS big opportunity to pivot and to outperform the competition. The entrepreneur in all of us smelled opportunity!
Outperforming the competition is exactly what we did by the way, we doubled our sales in April, and it looks like we will repeat it again in May.
All of this came of course with a lot of work. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Hiring more than 10 new people, making sure everybody knew what to do, train them, explain them, manage the older ones, keep them motivated when they had a hard time.
Last week, I noticed it had happened to me. It had been 9 weeks without almost any break. I was getting used to my new normal.
Probably you know this feeling: you do something for a certain amount of time, and it becomes your new normal. You stop asking questions.
Just like those billions of people who go to work every day doing a job they don’t like.
After a while, people tend to adapt to their circumstances. Even when these circumstances suck.
“Only if you take care of yourself first, you can take good care of someone else”, was a quote I read somewhere a long time ago.
It stuck with me. I had been working like a maniac, and the results were there, but I needed fresh air. I needed to breath. I hadn’t been taking care of myself.
How about you? How long has it been since you took care of yourself? When did you take a break? Even a small one?
Taking a break is part of your work, Alex said today in the Daily Nugget we do every day on Instagram.
He’s right.
Make sure the inspiration and positive energy keeps flowing and give yourself a break regularly.