It was Epictetus who said it so wisely in his timeless book The Art of Living:
“It’s time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become. If you have a daybook, write down who you’re trying to be, so that you can refer to this self-definition. Precisely describe the demeanour you want to adopt so that you may preserve it when you are by yourself or with other people.”
Now, if you can read the trueunderstand of these words, you start to grasp an unbelievable truth that lies in it: how can you be someone great, if you haven’t taken the time, effort and practice to sit down with yourself and start writing on who you want to be?
Everybody wantsthe good life, but only few are willing to do what is necessary to obtain the good life.
The first confrontation you will have to make is the one with yourself. Have you done that already? Truly?
If you are serious about change, about being successful and about achieving more than average in 2020, you will have to find your starting point.
I want to make that crystal clear, because more than often people are telling me that, “They just don’t know where to start”.
I used to say the same, I didn’t know where to start either.
Doing the right things and become successful, how do you start with that? After 10 years of trying, I found myself a very good way I ‘d like to share with you;
It starts tomorrow morning. You get up half an hour earlier than you would do normally. Sit down with a blank sheet of paper (or a laptop but make sure it’s offline) and start writing.
Write about the person your friends and relatives are describing just afteryour died.
Describe what you’d like that they say about you. What would really make you proud that they’d say? Then, find a way to become that person.
Finding a way will not be easy. I remember doing this writing myself 5 years ago. And I did it again beginning of this year.
I was in the midst of a crisis back then, on all sides. It seemed the world had given up on me andto be honest, I was very close to giving up on the world as well.
But even if things are good, if your life is already ok now and you still want to improve, do this exercise tomorrow morning.
This can be a real start for you. It was for me.
To freedom,